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Written by Oleksandr Gavenko (AKA gavenkoa), compiled at 2015-10-05 from rev 764bb173578d.


Debugging ssh client.

$ ssh -vvv ...

Maintaining key pair.

$ ssh-keygen -t dsa     # for DSA
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa     # for RSA
$ ssh-keygen -t dsa -C comment     # put own comment instead user@host
$ ssh-keygen -t dsa -f my_dsa_key  # store priv key under my_dsa_key
                                   # and pub key under my_dsa_key.pub

$ ssh-keygen -y -f ~/.ssh/id_dsa >~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub  # recover pub key from priv

$ ssh-keygen -p -N "newphrase" -P "oldphrase" -f ~/.ssh/id_dsa
                                   # change passphrase of priv key

$ ssh $user@$host cat ">>" "~/.ssh/authorized_keys" <~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
                                   # public pub key on remote host

$ ssh-copy-id  $user@$host         # alternative to previous command

Shell login.

$ ssh $user@$host
$ ssh $user@$host:$port

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/my_dsa_key $user@$host


$ ssh -l $user $host
$ ssh -l $user $host:$port

X11 forwarding.

Enable X11 forwarding on remote host in ~/.ssh/config or /etc/ssh_config:

X11Forwarding yes

then login to this host by:

$ ssh -X $user@$host

or by using trusted X11 forwarding:

$ ssh -Y $user@$host


X11Forwarding does not work with OpenSSH under Cygwin

Multiply private keys.

ssh try use all listen keys:

$ ssh -i ./priv1 -i ./priv2 $user@$host

or place in ~/.ssh/config:

Host *
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/identity # standard search path for protocol ver. 1
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_dsa   # standard search path for RSA key protocol ver. 2
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa   # standard search path for DSA key protocol ver. 2
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/my_dsa
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/another_dsa

or per host private key:

Host host1                   # alias, that user provide at CLI
HostName host1.example.com   # real host name to log into
User iam
IdentifyFile ~/.ssh/iam_priv_dsa
Host host2                   # alias, that user provide at CLI
HostName         # real host IP to log into
User admin
IdentifyFile ~/.ssh/admin_priv_dsa

Installing sshd on Cygwin.

  • Install base packages and openssh.

  • Set CYGWIN env var to ‘binmode ntsec’.

  • Create Windows user.

  • Recreate /etc/passwd::

    $ mkpasswd -l -u user >>/etc/passwd


    $ mkpasswd -l >/etc/passwd

  • Register sshd::

    $ mkdir -p /home/user $ ssh-host-config -y

  • Start::

    $ net start sshd


    $ cygrunsrv -S sshd

  • Check from remote host::

    $ ssh $gygwin_host -l user

To stop service use:

$ net stop sshd
$ cygrunsrv -E sshd

If you have connection closed error check permission for /home/*/.ssh directories. If you start service from user account - add write permission to /home/*/.ssh. I fix by:

$ rm -r /home/*/.ssh
cmd> icacls c:\opt\cygwin\home /t /grant:r cyg_server:(f)

Запускаем SSH server на правах произвольного пользователя.

  • Создаем пользователя, например с именем user, задаем ему пароль, права (т.е. в какие группы будет входить) и т.д., пользователя не блокируем.

  • В консоле MMC добавляем оснастку “Параметры безопасности”. Модифицируем параметры:

    “Параметры безопасности” –> “Локальные политики” –> “Назначение прав пользователя.” –> “Вход в качестве службы” –> добавить ‘user’.

    “Параметры безопасности” –> “Локальные политики” –> “Назначение прав пользователя” –> “Отклонить локальный вход” –> удалить ‘user’ (если был установлен).

    XXX “Принудительное удаленное завершение.”