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Written by Oleksandr Gavenko (AKA gavenkoa), compiled at 2015-10-05 from rev 764bb173578d.



Run setup.exe. Use output dir like:


Add to your PATH env var exactly before C:WINDOWSsystem32;C:WINDOWS values:

set PATH=d:\opt\cygwin\bin;d:\opt\cygwin\usr\local\bin;%PATH%

REM Set CYGWIN variable to 'nontsec'. That makes sure that permissions
REM on your windows machine are not updated as a side effect of cygwin
REM operations.
set CYGWIN=binary nontsec nodosfilewarning codepage:cp1251 noglob

set LANG=ru_RU.cp1251

Set HOME env var (where places config file and projects):

set HOME=d:\home

Set TMP and TEMP env vars with good path (without spaces, etc.; these vars already set as used defined, so you need change their values):

set TMP=c:\tmp
set TEMP=c:\tmp

Also you need edit /etc/passwd to point to correct home path.

Cygwin ports.

This project provides Cygwin binary and source packages for a large variety of programs and libraries, including the GNOME and KDE desktop environments

newest home of the Cygwin Ports project
home page
official blog??

Which Cygwin version you run?

$ uname -r
$ cygcheck -c cygwin
Cygwin Package Information
Package              Version        Status
cygwin               1.7.7-1        OK

Recreate /etc/passwd and /etc/groups.

$ mkpasswd -d | grep $yourlogin > /etc/passwd  # if you in Windows domain
$ mkpasswd -l > /etc/passwd                    # if you in Windows domain

$ mkgroup -l > /etc/group

Adding mount points.


C:/foo /bar/baz ntfs text,posix=0 0 0
/var /usr/var none bind

Running X Window.

$ XWin -multiwindow&


$ XWin -clipboard -silent-dup-error -xkblayout "us,ru" -xkboptions "grp:caps_toggle"&

To start X application you must set ‘DISPLAY’:

$ DISPLAY=:0 xterm&

Working with packages.

List of package files.

$ cygcheck -l pkg-name

Search packages by containing path (only under installed packages).

$ for f in /etc/setup/*.lst.gz; do gzip -c -d $f | grep $WORD  2>&1 >/dev/null && { echo $f; break; } || :; done

Search for package.

If you have file name or regex use (need internet connection):

$ cygcheck -p REGEX

cygcheck use such link:

Cygwin installation info.

$ uname -a
$ cygcheck -s -r

Cygwin acronyms.

One encounters all sorts of acronyms on the Cygwin mailing lists.

Check dll dependency.

$ ldd my.dll
$ ldd my.exe
$ cygcheck ./my.dll
$ cygcheck ./my.exe

Cygwin alternatives.

Subsystem for Unix-based Applications and Services for Unix